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:限時特惠熱賣: 【娃娃日系】迷情夜上海‧復古派對高叉性感旗袍(深藍色) 超值優惠 歷史價格波動
現在最低價只要:580 價格隨時都會變,把握機會 |
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中國時報【徐亦橋╱台北報導】 王力宏今年5月邁向37歲,他日前微博澄清與李雲迪的斷背情,范瑋琪又在演唱會替他徵婚,都讓人更關心他感情動向。昨晚他出席美國品牌COACH活動,透露家人沒逼婚,覺得最近影劇圈頻傳喜訊「挺好的」,「但每個人都有自己的生活與緣分,感情現在沒有在想…,我一向是比較獨立的一個人。」 ■秀4年舊包 破洞補了再用 他表示把微博當日記,一天發文一條,出發點很單純,只是想和歌迷互動,但澄清和李雲迪關係後,卻引發兩面反應是意料之外,但自己也不會再講。 王力宏是COACH首位華人男性配件代言人,受訪時親拿用了4年的COACH舊包,表示有破洞還會修了用,「我和包包已經產生默契,不會想換,都已經熟悉了。」甚至大方打開包包,亮出錢包等4樣真正使用過的私物。 ■男包多彩 女包清新 他在晚間派對與亞洲區執行副總裁Andre Cohen互擲棒球,連結品牌的經典,藝人謝沛恩、林可彤、白梓軒等都也開心出席。 COACH春夏男包大玩多彩條紋與色塊,經典Bleecker、Thompson系列都藉由拼接設計,變得活潑年輕,女包則主推粉彩色系及編織趣味,溫柔清新,品牌更與紐約街頭藝術家Krink合作,推出飛濺潑墨的跨界款式。 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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中國時報【徐亦橋╱台北報導】 包包是精品的銷售主力,不只是GUCCI邀來李冰冰合作,皮件品牌borsalini以網友投票,選中陳庭妮代言,COACH為衝刺男性配件市占,找王力宏當形象大使。華人明星代言,已成為打破冷靜市場的新藥方。 采盟旗下的borsalini今年邁入創牌30周年,首度找代言人就交給臉書兩萬網友投票,23歲的陳庭妮竟以8千高票輕鬆擊敗其他5位高知名度女星。業者看準她親和力高、配合度又好,砸7位數邀她代言,她昨日出席活動初聞是網路直選冠軍時,直說好感動。 Borsalini還以陳庭妮暱稱推出「妮妮包」,有她重視的大容量、重量輕與隔層多等優點,她笑說:「真有生小孩般的喜悅感。」紐約品牌COACH昨也宣布王力宏為男性配件形象大使,照片可提供中、港、台與新加坡媒體使用,藉此提升男性配件知名度,業者更計畫邀他明年參加台灣活動,外界估算至少砸下上千萬。 法國品牌Balenciaga沒用代言人,靠著名人主動愛拎機車包等人氣款而銷售穩定。昨微風廣場專賣店開幕,訴求是在台首間完整陳列品牌藝術總監Nicolas Ghesquiere女裝、配件及香水的店面,但店裡話題仍不少,包括迷你機車包、飆破50萬元的鱷魚皮包等款式,都令貴婦們愛不釋手。 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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今天要介紹這款: 超值優惠 更詳細的開箱文 請點繼續閱讀,也可以參考下列特惠商品
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今天要介紹這款: 2013全新設計 獨特質感 內外兼俱 更詳細的開箱文 請點繼續閱讀,也可以參考下列特惠商品
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名牌雨靴BUBERRY和 TIMBERLAND竟然出現山寨版,台北市士林和五分埔商圈,最近有店家低價銷售名牌雨靴,甚至還在網路上促銷,原本一雙1萬元,店家只賣2980元,還有英文授權書,標榜不是仿冒品,警方前往搜查,發現品質粗劣,送鑑定證明全是假貨,業者光這4年來不法獲利就已經高達5百萬。 走進店家,架上一整排都是號稱名牌的雨靴,從Coach Timberland 到Burberry 應有盡有,老闆說高貴不貴,人家一雙賣上萬塊,我只賣你2980元,而且有英文授權書,一開始只有網路銷售,也打出「專一獨賣」口號,絕無瑕疵品,吸引顧客上門。 生意之好,接連在士林跟五分埔商圈都有店面,警方前往搜索當下,都還有顧客在選購,渾然不知,手上拿的是假貨。保智大隊副中隊長黃啟賓:「他的意思就是說,這些款式就是原廠授權給他們,唯一在販售的,別人沒有。」 業者經營4年,不法獲利高達500萬,為甚麼這麼好賺?以價格來比一比,Timberland的原價賣7千多,這裡只賣2580元,Coach的一雙上萬塊,山寨版售價只有2980,Burberry售價也只有5980元,平均價格都比原價便宜至少3分之1。 保智大隊說,這些款式幾乎沒有進口台灣,加上業者販售的山寨版品質明顯粗糙,不但線頭脫落,鞋底還裂開,真的假不了,假的也真不了,這些仿冒品通通被下架扣押,業者也依違反商標法函送,只是這種情形層出不窮,因此也提醒消費者選購商品,千萬得睜大眼睛看。 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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:限時特惠熱賣: 【Emily Sweet】可愛娃娃居家套裝睡衣(橘) 超值優惠 歷史價格波動
現在最低價只要:490 價格隨時都會變,把握機會 |
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工商時報【王克庭】 9月BURBERRY無預警調降財報,導致投資人對精品業產生衰退疑慮,然而瑞士寶盛精品基金經理人黃意芝表示,近期精品業公佈財報表現佳,LVMH、BURBERRY符合市場預期,COACH、PPR集團及BMW表現亮眼,優異財報將有助於精品類股成長。 在中國人炫富心態及精品新鮮感驅使下,購買精品多以著名大品牌為首選,創造出30%至50%消費成長力道。然而,黃意芝表示,中國消費者對品牌忠誠度不如歐美,若流行退潮或喪失商品獨特性,大品牌較易出現疲態,其他如Bottega Veneta、YSL、TODs和Prada則較不受影響,至今仍維持雙位數銷售成長。 黃意芝表示,中國經濟仍將朝向穩增長模式進行,預期未來中國精品銷售仍將維持15%以上成長動能,2013年全球精品銷售在新興市場的消費潛力支撐下,可望維持6%~8%銷售成長,尤其是明年下半年度會有更亮眼的成績。 黃意芝指出,目前精品業者財務狀況仍穩健,Prada、Tod's持續積極開發新興市場銷售版圖,儘管近期亞洲市場精品銷量下滑,但美國市場銷售表現意外強勁,投資人重拾精品產業的信心,近期出現反彈行情,精品類股在歷經前波修正後,目前本益比為15.5倍,十分具有投資吸引力。時序進入美歐假期銷售旺季,並在美國、中國經濟數據優異的帶動下,投資人不妨逢低分批進場精品相關基金。 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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今天要介紹這款: 限時!限量!趕緊搶購! 更詳細的開箱文 請點繼續閱讀,也可以參考下列特惠商品
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TORONTO (AP) — Even after his amazing week, this one took Linsanity to a whole new level. Against Toronto on Tuesday, it was Lin for the win! Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin made a tiebreaking 3-pointer with less than a second to play to cap his finishing flurry of six straight points and New York rallied to beat the Raptors 90-87, extending its winning streak to six games. "I'm just glad it went like this so we can calm the Linsanity down," cracked Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni. No chance of that. The NBA's first American-Taiwanese player, Lin scored 27 points and added a career-high 11 assists in his first game since being named Eastern Conference player of the week. "He continues to impress every night," New York's Jared Jeffries said. "Every game he plays better, he does more and more to help us win basketball games. You can't ask any more of a kid coming into this situation." While he's the one standing in the spotlight, Lin said sharing success with his teammates is as big a reward. "It's not because of me, it's because we're coming together as a team," Lin said. "We started making these steps earlier but we were still losing close games and so obviously it wasn't fun. But when you win, that solves a lot of problems. We've been winning and we've been playing together." Making just his fifth career start, Lin had no hesitation in taking the decisive shot. "I'm thankful that the coach and my teammates trust me with the ball at the end of the game," he said. "I like having it at the end of the game. I'm just very thankful." The season-high crowd of 20,092 roared as Lin shot over Jose Calderon and drained a pull-up jumper from the top with half a second to play, giving the Knicks their first lead since the opening quarter. D'Antoni declined to call timeout before Lin's winning shot, saying it would only give the Raptors time to draw up their defense. Even so, D'Antoni was impressed with the calm and confidence Lin showed in letting the clock run down. "You just watch and you're in awe," D'Antoni said. "He held it until five tenths of a second left. He was pretty confident that was going in, no rebounds, no nothing. That ball was being buried." Toronto's Rasual Butler airballed his attempt at the buzzer as the Knicks swarmed their newest hero at center court. "The kid made a great shot," Raptors coach Dwane Casey said. "(Calderon) had to give him space or he was going to give up a driving path and (Lin) made a tough shot." But Casey was left steamed at his team's failure to hold a lead, especially after the Raptors made nine turnovers in the final quarter. "It should not have come to (Lin's) play," Casey said. "We had some many boneheaded plays to get to that play and to make that play relevant. We should have taken care of business before that." Amare Stoudemire returned from a four-game absence with 21 points and Tyson Chandler had 13 for New York. Calderon scored 25 points, Linas Kleiza had 15 points and 11 rebounds, and DeMar DeRozan scored 14 for the Raptors. Up 75-66 to start the fourth, Toronto widened its lead with a three-point play by Barbosa before the Knicks stormed back with a 10-0 run, cutting it to 78-76 and forcing the Raptors to call timeout with 6:22 remaining. Kleiza stopped the run with a driving layup, Amir Johnson added a hook shot and, after Lin made one of two from the line, Barbosa's layup made it 84-77 with 4:49 to go. Toronto led 87-82 with less than two minutes to go when Iman Shumpert stole the ball from Calderon and drove in for an uncontested dunk. After a missed shot, Lin completed a three-point play, tying it at 87 with 1:05 left. Barbosa missed a 3 for Toronto and, at the other end, Shumpert missed a jumper but Chandler grabbed the rebound. Lin took the ball near midcourt and let the clock run down to 5 seconds before driving and pulling up against Calderon to launch the decisive shot, touching off the latest instance of Linsanity. "(Calderon) was trying to push me left," Lin said. "He was giving me a little bit of space. I just tried to take it down as low as I could. I figured it's probably not going to be possible to get to the basket with the help that they had." Calderon was surprised to see Lin pull up for the game-winner. "I thought he was going to drive," Calderon said. "That's why I tried to give him his left hand but he made a great shot." Calderon was held scoreless in the final quarter, with D'Antoni crediting Shumpert for keeping the Toronto guard in check. "He did a great job," D'Antoni said. "Shump got on Calderon and changed up everything." The Raptors had a photo of Lin on their team website in the hours before the game, and his visit generated major interest among Toronto's Asian community, estimated at over 280,000 people, or more than 11 percent of the local population. The Chinese Canadian Youth Athletics Association and the Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto both sent groups of almost 300 fans as Toronto sold out for the second time in 13 home games. One group of fans in the upper deck wore white T-shirts spelling out his name. Not all the fans were so positive: Lin was booed several times throughout the game. Local media also took note; some 75 reporters and 16 cameras packed a Tuesday morning press conference to hear Lin speak, with dozens more turned away to prevent overcrowding. More than 25 Chinese Canadian journalists were due to cover the game, including one who presented Lin with a book of "Year of the Dragon" stamps from Canada Post and asked him to record a message in Mandarin, which he did. Even D'Antoni was shocked by the size of the throng upon walking in Tuesday morning for his turn at the microphone. "Are we in the playoffs now?" D'Antoni joked as he made his way to the front of the room. It was Calderon, coming off a career-high 30 points in Sunday's loss to the Lakers, who was hot early, scoring 12 points in the first as the Raptors led 28-21 after one. Lin missed his first shot and didn't score until a driving layup with 3:46 left in the first. He had four points and four assists in the opening quarter. Lin turned the ball over on three straight possessions early in the second and Toronto took advantage with a 6-0 run, widening its lead to 13 points. He also missed a running bank shot as the half ended as the Raptors took a 47-36 lead into the break. Stoudemire scored seven points and Lin had six points and four assists as the Knicks scored 30 points in the third, but still trailed 75-66 heading into the fourth. NOTES: Lin matched a career high with eight turnovers. ... Stoudemire returned after missing the past four games following the death of his older brother, Hazell, who was killed in a car crash. ... Raptors G Jerryd Bayless (left ankle) missed his third straight game. Casey said Bayless could be available for Wednesday's game against San Antonio. ... Before the game, Chandler presented Casey with his NBA championship ring. Both were with Dallas last season when they beat Miami. ... Carmelo Anthony (right groin) missed his fourth straight game. ... New York's 17-point comeback was the biggest by a Toronto opponent this season. ... Musician and actor Steven Van Zandt watched from a courtside seat. 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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